
DZ90009440033 制动盘 HD5.5t

济南向前汽车配件有限公司供应DZ90009440033 制动盘 HD5.5t【DZ90009440033】,价格面议,下面是详细参数及照片。
DZ90009440033,Brake disc,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
DZ90009440033,Brake disc,济南向前汽车配件有限公司DZ90009440033,Brake disc,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
产品: Brake disc


品牌: Forward
models: HD5.5t
Size: 20"
Weight: 31.5kg
单价: 面议
所在地: 山东 济南市 山东济南泉利重配城
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-02-22 11:10
浏览次数: 131
服务条款 豪沃发动机总成
DZ90009440033,Brake disc,济南向前汽车配件有限公司 DZ90009440033,Brake disc,济南向前汽车配件有限公司
 Brake clamp finger clamp disc brake, is a kind of disc brake. Its rotating element is a metal disc working on the end face, known as the brake disc.

 The fixed element is a brake block composed of a small working area friction block and its metal back plate. There are 2~4 brake blocks in each brake. These brake blocks and their actuating devices are installed across the clamp bracket on both sides of the brake disc, which is always called the brake clamp. The brake disc and the brake clamp together constitute the pincer disc brake.

 According to the different installation position, the brake can be divided into wheel brake and central brake. A brake whose rotating element is fixed on the wheel or half axle is called a wheel brake; A brake whose rotating elements are fixed to the drive shaft of the driveline is called a central brake. Wheel brakes are generally used for service braking, but also for emergency braking and parking braking.


DZ90009440032  Brake clamp Assembly (right)  DZ90009440031 right   SHACMAN HANDE HD5.5t  20 inches

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